Depot with Database ============================= Depot provides built-in support for attachments to models, uploading a file and attaching it to a database entry is as simple as assigning the file itself to a model field. Attaching to Models ------------------------------ Attaching files to models is as simple as declaring a field on the model itself, support is currently provided for **SQLAlchemy** through the :class:`depot.fields.sqlalchemy.UploadedFileField` and for **Ming (MongoDB)** through the :class:`depot.fields.ming.UploadedFileProperty`:: from depot.fields.sqlalchemy import UploadedFileField class Document(Base): __tablename__ = 'document' uid = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) name = Column(Unicode(16), unique=True) content = Column(UploadedFileField) To actually store the file into the Document, assigning it to the ``content`` property is usually enough, just like files uploaded using :meth:`.FileStorage.create` both file objects, ``cgi.FieldStorage`` and ``bytes`` can be used:: # Store documents with attached files, the source can be a file or bytes doc = Document(name=u'Foo', content=open('/tmp/document.xls')) DBSession.add(doc) .. note:: In case of Python3 make sure the file is open in byte mode. Depot will upload files to the default storage, to change where files are uploaded use :meth:`.DepotManager.set_default`. Uploaded Files Information ------------------------------ Whenever a supported object is assigned to a :class:`.UploadedFileField` or :class:`.UploadedFileProperty` it will be converted to a :class:`.UploadedFile` object. This is the same object you will get back when reloading the models from database and apart from the file itself which is accessible through the ``.file`` property, it provides additional attributes described into the :class:`.UploadedFile` documentation itself. Most important property is probably the ``.url`` property which provides an URL where the file can be accessed in case the storage supports HTTP or the :class:`.DepotMiddleware` is available in your WSGI application. Uploading on a Specific Storage ------------------------------- By default all the files are uploaded on the ``default`` storage (the one returned by :meth:`.DepotManager.get_default`. This can be changed by passing a ``upload_storage`` argument explicitly to the database field declaration:: from depot.fields.sqlalchemy import UploadedFileField class Document(Base): __tablename__ = 'document' uid = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) name = Column(Unicode(16), unique=True) content = Column(UploadedFileField(upload_storage='another_storage')) If the specified ``upload_storage`` is an *alias* to another storage, the file will actually keep track of the real storage, so that when the alias is switched to another storage, previously uploaded files continue to get served from the old storage. Session Awareness ----------------- Whenever an object is *deleted* or a *rollback* is performed the files uploaded during the unit of work or attached to the deleted objects are automatically deleted. This is performed out of the box for SQLAlchemy, but requires the :class:`.DepotExtension` to be registered as a session extension for Ming. .. note:: Ming doesn't currently provide an entry point for session clear, so files uploaded without a session flush won't be deleted when the session is removed. Custom Behaviour in Attachments =============================== Often attaching a file to the model is not enough, if a video is uploaded you probably want to convert it to a supported format. Or if a big image is uploaded you might want to scale it down. Most simple changes can be achieved using **Filters**, filters can create thumbnails of an image or trigger actions when the file gets uploaded, multiple filters can be specified as a list inside the ``filters`` parameter of the column. More complex actions like editing the content before it gets uploaded can be achieved subclassing :class:`.UploadedFile` and passing it as column ``upload_type``. Attachment Filters ------------------ File filters are created by subclassing :class:`.FileFilter` class, the only required method to implement is :meth:`.FileFilter.on_save` which you are required implement with the actions you want to perform. The method will receive the uploaded file (after it already got uploaded) and can add properties to it. Inside filters the original content is available as a property of the uploaded file, by accessing ``original_content`` you can read the original content but not modify it, as the file already got uploaded changing the original content has no effect. If you need to store additional files, only use the :meth:`.UploadedFile.store_content` method so that they are correctly tracked by the unit of work and deleted when the associated document is deleted. A filter that creates a thumbnail for an image would look like:: from import utils from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO class WithThumbnailFilter(FileFilter): def __init__(self, size=(128,128), format='PNG'): self.thumbnail_size = size self.thumbnail_format = format def on_save(self, uploaded_file): content = utils.file_from_content(uploaded_file.original_content) thumbnail = thumbnail.thumbnail(self.thumbnail_size, Image.BILINEAR) thumbnail = thumbnail.convert('RGBA') thumbnail.format = self.thumbnail_format output = BytesIO(), self.thumbnail_format) thumb_file_name = 'thumb.%s' % self.thumbnail_format.lower() # If you upload additional files do it with store_content # to ensure they are correctly tracked by unit of work and # removed on model deletion. thumb_path, thumb_id = uploaded_file.store_content(output, thumb_file_name) thumb_url = DepotManager.get_middleware().url_for(thumb_path) uploaded_file['thumb_id'] = thumb_id uploaded_file['thumb_path'] = thumb_path uploaded_file['thumb_url'] = thumb_url To use it, just provide the ``filters`` parameter in your :class:`.UploadedFileField` or :class:`.UploadedFileProperty`:: class Document(DeclarativeBase): __tablename__ = 'docu' uid = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) name = Column(Unicode(16), unique=True) photo = Column(UploadedFileField(filters=[WithThumbnailFilter()])) As :class:`.UploadedFile` remembers every value/attribute stored before saving it on the database, all the *thumb_id*, *thumb_path* and *thumb_url* values will be available when loading back the document:: >>> d = DBSession.query(Document).filter_by(name='Foo').first() >>> print /depot/default/5b1a489e-0d33-11e4-8e2a-0800277ee230 Custom Attachments ------------------ Filters are convenient and can be mixed together to enable multiple behaviours when a file is uploaded, but they have a limit: They cannot modify the uploaded file or the features provided when the file is retrieved from the database. To avoid this limit users can specify their own upload type by subclassing :class:`.UploadedFile`. By specializing the :meth:`.UploadedFile.process_content` method it is possible to change the content before it's stored and provide additional attributes. Whenever the stored document is retrieved from the database, the file will be recovered with the same type specified as the ``upload_type``, so any property or method provided by the specialized type will be available also when the file is loaded back. A possible use case for custom attachments is ensure an image is uploaded at a maximum resolution:: from import utils from depot.fields.upload import UploadedFile from import FileStorage from PIL import Image from import INMEMORY_FILESIZE from tempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile class UploadedImageWithMaxSize(UploadedFile): max_size = 1024 def process_content(self, content, filename=None, content_type=None): # As we are replacing the main file, we need to explicitly pass # the filanem and content_type, so get them from the old content. __, filename, content_type = FileStorage.fileinfo(content) # Get a file object even if content was bytes content = utils.file_from_content(content) uploaded_image = if max(uploaded_image.size) >= self.max_size: uploaded_image.thumbnail((self.max_size, self.max_size), Image.BILINEAR) content = SpooledTemporaryFile(INMEMORY_FILESIZE), uploaded_image.format) super(UploadedImageWithMaxSize, self).process_content(content, filename, content_type) Using it to ensure every uploaded image has a maximum resolution of 1024x1024 is as simple as passing it to the column:: class Document(DeclarativeBase): __tablename__ = 'docu' uid = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) name = Column(Unicode(16), unique=True) photo = Column(UploadedFileField(upload_type=UploadedImageWithMaxSize)) When saved the image will be automatically resized to 1024 when bigger than the maximum allowed size.